- 6.26 m (W) x 5.45 m (D) x 9.58 m (H) X-ray shielded space (usable with up to 225 kV sources with current approvals) with 5 ton ceiling crane
- Access to the Physical Model Test Facility (Towing & Wave Tank) – see link
- 6×6″ horizontal two-phase flow water tunnel
- 4×4″ vertical two-phase flow water tunnel
- 2D X-ray at up to kHz or down to sub-micron
- Time/phase-averaged Multi-spectral X-ray CT with resolution down to O(10micron)
- 1/2″ ID recirculating flow loop with rotating test section for X-ray Micro-CT
- 1/4″ to 1/2″ ID ‘pulsation free’ flow loop
- 3″ ID bubble column
Under construction:
- (10 cm)2 cavitation and low-pressure boiling vertical water tunnel
Specialized equipment belonging to the FLOW lab:
- High speed imager, Phantom v1210 (1Mpix @ >12kHz to ~820kHz @ ~14kPix)
- Double-pulse Nd:YAG, Evergreen 200 mJ per pulse up to 15Hz
- Ultrasonic Velocity Profiler (UVP), Met-Flow UVP-DUO MX + set of transducers
- Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT) system, ITS P2+
- Phase Doppler Interferometer and Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) (1 component)
- Three X-ray sources
- ~2m OD rotary stage with <15 arc second repeatability & 8-axis linear stage system on the rotary stage
- >3m long flat plate with gas injectors and instrumentation for towing tank testing
- 2D & Stereo PIV software
- In-line holography setup
Standard equipment:
DAQs, cameras & lenses, >20 flow meters (e.g. Coriolis from <20 gpm to >400 gpm), >20 gas flow meters, 3 LVDTs, >6 workstation computers, filters, IIIa continuous laser, >20 pumps (water and slurry) & >10 VFDs (from 50 Hp to <1/10Hp), >100 p & dp transducers, conductivity probes, signal generators, oscilloscopes, capacitive level sensors, radar level sensors, >20 RTDs, >40 level switches, scales, load cells, microscope, drill press, etc.